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People Movers

San Francisco Cable Car Renovation Project

San Francisco, California

The San Francisco Cable Car System was built over 100 years ago and became America's first moving National Historic Landmark. By the early 1980's many years of heavy use had made extensive repair essential. F. E. Jordan Associates, Inc. was involved in the reconstruction design of the cable car system as old track and cable vaults were to be pulled up and replaced. Chen and Hensolt was the general engineering consultant.


Downtown People Mover

Los Angeles, California

In association with the project team headed by Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall, F. E. Jordan Associates, Inc. participated in the preliminary design of the Los Angeles Downtown People Mover. The firm was responsible for all design work, including design coordination and scheduling, related to the project's effects on existing utility networks.



UMTA Advanced Group Rapid Transit Project (AGRT)

Seattle, Washington & Denver, Colorado

F. E. Jordan Associates, Inc. was selected by the Urban Mass Transportation Agency, DOT, Washington, D.C., as program manager to monitor the research and development efforts of the congressionally-mandated Advanced Group Rapid Transit (AGRT) program.


The goal of the AGRT Program Phase llB is the development and evaluation of critical technology associated with an advanced Automatic Guideway Transit System which is to be available for deployment in the 1990s. The program employs two prime contractors, Boeing Aerospace Company, Seattle, Washington and Otis Elevator Company-Transportation Technology Division, Denver, Colorado to develop and provide means for testing the specialized sub-systems associated with the AGRT system concepts.


F.E. Jordan Associates, Inc. was charged with closely monitoring the technical progress and financial expenditures of the two prime contractors and with providing independent technical reviews and studies as required.

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